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Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille

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Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille Empty Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 07 Feb 2012, 1:10 pm

Dear collectors,
i'm searching for exchange mint stamps about three topics :
1- Beijing olympic games 2008 (i've 60 countries issue until today), i can exchange with Algerian mint stamps of this topic or others.
2- Worldcup 2010 (because Algeria took part of this Soccer World Cup), i offer in return the algerian issue in mint, or other topic.
3- Louis Braille (or stamps with braille), i offer in return the algerian issue of 2008 of Louis Braille.


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Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille Empty Re: Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 07 Feb 2012, 6:43 pm

Hi Ismail,

I think I have a stamp which is interesting for you. I have the issue about the spanish football team when they won the World Cup 2010. It is the link where you can see it:

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I don´t have this stamp but maybe other person, who reads us, have it. It is the spanish issue about the Football World Cup 2010, I don´t know if you have seen it before, but if you didn´t you can see it on the following link:

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]

Regards. Luis Quevedo


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Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille Empty Re: Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 07 Feb 2012, 7:00 pm

Hi Ismail, the first stamp i can get it, because a friend has it.

Regards Javier


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Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille Empty Re: Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 08 Feb 2012, 9:54 am

Thank you friends for your fast replay
the SS i 've it just on cover and without cancelation! not lucky!
then i need both of these two issues.
thank you.


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Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille Empty Re: Beijing olympic games 2008,World Cup2010,Louis Braille

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